Introducing rOpenSci new Community Manager, Yanina Bellini Saibene

By Yanina Bellini Saibene

June 21, 2022

Hello! I am Yanina Bellini Saibene, your new community manager.

I’m so excited to join rOpenSci in this role, and support such an important project in open science and in the R Community.

When I saw the call for the position, I thought that my over 20 years of experience as a community builder, teacher, and researcher aligned perfectly with it.

I believe in the power of open science at the service of people, that education is the best tool we have to improve lives, and that the most effective way to make changes is as part of a community. rOpenSci combines my passion for open software and open science with my favorite programming language and community. I am particularly excited by our new project to empower community leaders from historically excluded groups and looking forward to playing a role in its development. I have worked to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout my career, both because I am a member of groups that are historically excluded from science and because it’s the right thing to do.

A little bit about me

I earned a master’s degree from the Universidad Austral (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. My bachelor’s degree is from Universidad del Salvador (Buenos Aires, Argentina) in Information System. I live in Argentina, where I have been a researcher for the last 24 years at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA). I’m also a professor at Universidad Nacional Guillermo Brown.

I started using R in 2009. My journey in the R community began in 2017 when I founded R-Ladies Santa Rosa, the second active chapter of R-Ladies in Latin America. Since then, I co-founded LatinR and MetaDocencia and became a member of The Carpentries Executive Council (by the community’s vote). I’m also part of the R-Ladies Global Team, RForwards Core Team, R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee as R-Ladies Project Lead, R4DS_ES, useR! Working Group, MiR, and Sociedad Argentina de Informática (SADIO).

Let’s to know each other

In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be getting to know you all, listening in, and learning how I can support you and your contributions to rOpenSci.

I know I have huge shoes to fill, but I’m looking forward to learning from and getting to know you all.

Please don’t hesitate to say hello! You can contact me by email and also reach me on rOpenSci semi-open Slack workspace.

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Posted on:
June 21, 2022
2 minute read, 406 words
Community English
See Also:
Proyecto 3 - Dos años de escribir, dar charlar y enseñar con la comunidad de rOpenSci Community
Project 3 - Two Years of Writing, Speaking, and Teaching with the rOpenSci Community
Using GitHub to plan community calls for rOpenSci