Current and Recent Projects

My porfolio includes researcher and community projects, books, software, conferences I co-found and organize, and openly available educational material I have created or contribute to.

Written by Yanina Bellini Saibene

Champions Program

The rOpenSci Champions Program is designed to identify, recognize, and support passionate individuals from underrepresented groups who are eager to contribute to the open source and research software communities. This initiative aims to foster a diverse and inclusive environment where all members can thrive. Program Objectives Empowerment: Equip participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute effectively to open source projects. Mentorship: Provide personalized guidance and support through experienced mentors in the rOpenSci community.

Multilingual Publishing

The Multilingual Publishing project is an initiative by rOpenSci to expand the accessibility and reach of scientific knowledge by translating essential materials on best practices for software development, code review, and contribution to open source projects into Spanish. This effort aims to lower language barriers and make valuable resources available to a broader audience, thus fostering a more inclusive scientific community.

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in Project

SisINTAR Package

The SISINTAR package allows downloading, reading and manipulating soil profile data from INTA’s soil information system, called SisINTA

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in R package

AgroMet Package

The {agromet} package includes a series of functions to calculate climatic and hydrological indices and statistics from tidy data.

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in R package


We are an inclusive and collaborative community that improves education by empowering instructors from underserved countries.


I’m part of R-Ladies since 2017. Since 2021 I’m the R-Ladies Project Lead at the R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee. Since 2022 I’m part of the Board of Directors


GeoINTA es la infraestructura de datos espaciales del INTA | INTA Spatial Data Infrastructure

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in R RSE