Regular Talk

How to contribute to open projects and communities

Yanina led a discussion on community and open source projects, focusing on participation, contribution, and the concept of the ‘pathway to inclusion’ and CSCCE Community particiption model. She presented various models of community participation and outlined strategies for promoting and sharing open-source software packages. The team also discussed the importance of clear communication, a code of conduct, contribution guideles and the use of issue templates and issues labels on Github to streamline the management of issues related to a package.

Análisis de colaboración en comunidades por medio de analisis de redes sociales

Las comunidades de práctica son espacios donde las personas comparten conocimientos y contribuyen a objetivos individuales y de grupo. Conocer los tipos de miembros y formas de participación, junto con las colaboraciones que existen, y entre quiénes, es un insumo importante para entender la comunidad y tomar acciones para su mejora. Presentamos como implementar un análisis de redes sociales utilizando R en una comunidad de practica real y una serie de consejos si queres hacer lo mismo.

Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are: a collaborative analysis using social network analysis.

Communities of practice are spaces where people share knowledge and contribute to individual and group objectives. Knowing the different types of community members, the different ways they can participate, what kind of collaborations exist, and among whom is an important input to understand the community and to be able to take actions to improve differents aspecto of the community, like members' engagement, reach a wider audience, and increase diversity, among other. In this talk, we will present an analysis of rOpenSci networks since its inception to recognize types and themes of collaborations, actors in those collaborations, and sub-communities, among other aspects. We will explain how we collect the information to feed the networks (e.g. blog post authoring, event organization, package authoring, package review, among others), how we process it, and what kind of community management actions we can take based on the results obtained. All the source code and the data that can be public will be shared on a repository.

Sobre programar, enseñar y armar tutoriales interactivos con {learnr}

Teaching R is part of my activities as a community organizer, an RStudio Certified Instructor, a conference chair, and a researcher. Since 2019, I use the learnr package to generate interactive tutorials to teach R synchronously and asynchronously. The addition of the Tutorials panel in RStudio IDE and the need for virtual classes made the use of this package even more interesting. In this talk, I will tell you how to generate interactive tutorials, how to add pedagogical tools to them, what other packages you can use with {learnr} and show multilingual examples.

Alarmas Agropecuarias a Celulares

Presentacion del proyecto conjunto entre INTA y el Colegio de Ingenieros Agronomos de La Pampa para un monitoreo a campo y trampa de luz para soja, girasol y maiz y el desarrollo de un sistema de alarmas a telefono celulates

Presentación con el setup y modulos del sistema de informacion de la Red de Informacion Agropecuaria Pampeana.