Revisiting my 2022 to-don't list

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in English Community

August 21, 2022

At the end of 2021 I started my to-don’t list, it is a list of things that you are not going to do because you already have too much on the go. Mine looks like this:

Let’s see how thing are going:

  • I will not be chair or organizer of JAIIO (Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research) & CAI (AgroInformatics Congress): I was chair of the 49 and 50 JAIIO (2020 and 2021) and CAI’s chair from 2016 until 2021. The CAI organizers invited me to review some papers, which I gladly accepted. So we can say that I have fulfilled this commitment.

  • I will not direct/co-direct any undergraduate or graduate thesis: Accomplished. I really liked this job when I was at INTA, but now I’m able to help people from another role.

  • I will not sign any new R&D cooperation agreements: Accomplished. I was doing this as an INTA employee and since I am on unpaid leave, I have not signed any new cooperation agreements and we have successfully completed the ones I had active.

  • I will not join any new community: I have failed miserably. This year in addition to becoming rOpenSci’s Community Manager (I was already part of the community), I joined OpenHeroines, NumFocus (which is the fiscal sponsor of rOpenSci), CSVConf, and I’m now a GitHub Star.

  • I will not eat so much wheat flour: another failure, although I do eat less wheat flour than before, but still.

So, we can say 3 of 5 until now. Not so bad?

Posted on:
August 21, 2022
2 minute read, 317 words
English Community
See Also:
Using GitHub to plan community calls for rOpenSci
Proyecto 2 - Las Estrellas del Universo R
Project 2 - The Stars of R-Universe