Creating interactive tutorials using {learnr} and {gradethis}
The {learnr} package makes it easy to turn any R Markdown document into an interactive tutorial. Tutorials consist of content along with interactive components for checking and reinforcing understanding. Tutorials automatically preserve work done within them, so if a user works on a few exercises or questions and returns to the tutorial later they can pick up right where they left off.
Lo que todo el mundo en Ciencia de Datos debe saber sobre enseñar y aprender
Las personas que hacen ciencia de datos aprenden constantemente tecnologías nuevas y en rápida evolución. A menudo se encuentran en un papel de enseñanza, ya sea mentoreando, generando tutoriales, escribiendo artículos, dando charlas, o incluso enseñando más formalmente en universidades, sin estar formalmente preparados para ese papel. En esta charla, revisaremos estrategias prácticas, basadas en evidencia, para organizar y diseñar lecciones y materiales, explicar los conceptos al nivel de tus estudiantes, usar ejemplos relevantes, comprobar la comprensión y conectar con tus estudiantes, de modo que puedan ser más efectivos la próxima vez que debas enseñar
What Everyone In Data Science Should Know About Teaching And Learning
Data scientists, programmers, statisticians are constantly learning new and rapidly evolving technologies. They often find themselves in a teaching role, either as mentors, generating tutorials, writing blog posts, giving talks, or even teaching more formally at universities or boot camps, without being formally prepared for that role. In this talk, we will review practical, evidence-based strategies for organizing and designing your lessons and materials, explaining concepts at the level of your students, using relevant examples, checking understanding, and connecting with students so that you can be more effective the next time you find yourself in a teaching position.