
By Yanina Bellini Saibene in English 100DaysToOffload

May 7, 2024

Focus of womans fist with pink clothes

Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash

Talking hurts

Eating hurts

Laughing hurts

Dancing (don’t judge me) hurts

It hurts because, on May 2nd, I had surgery to remove my thyroid cancer. The prognosis is excellent. I’m still recovering, awaiting results & further tests.

I have wonderful family, friends, and colleagues who are supporting me.

Reading & writing, fortunately, don’t hurt. So I will be around.

Imagine how I am that I can’t talk, eat, laugh and dance as much as I want to!


Hablar duele.

Comer duele.

Reirse duele.

Bailar (no me juzguen) duele.

Duele porque el 2 de Mayo tuve una cirugia para remover mi tiroides debido a un cancer. Todo el cancer se removio con la glandula y el pronostico es excelente. Y tengo una familia, amigos y colegas maravillos que me estan dando todo su apoyo.

Aun estoy recuperandome, esperando resultados y otros controles.

Leer y escribir, no duele, por suerte. Asi que me veran por aqui.

Imaginen como estoy que no puedo hablar, comer, reir y bailar todo lo que quiero!

Posted on:
May 7, 2024
1 minute read, 176 words
English 100DaysToOffload
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