
By Yanina Bellini Saibene in Community Español English

January 1, 2021


Forwards blue logo

The task force was set up by the R Foundation in December 2015 to address the underrepresentation of women and rebranded in January 2017 to accommodate more under-represented groups such as LGBT, minority ethnic groups, and people with disabilities in the R community.

The members of the task force were invited to participate based on their interest in routing for specific under-represented groups and their contributions in the area of diversity and inclusion, to reflect different genders, ethnic groups, work contexts, career stages and aspects of the R project (e.g. CRAN and Bioconductor). The task force is organised as a core team plus a number of sub-teams that focus on particular tasks.

My role at Forwards

I lead the Conferences Team and I’m part of the Forwards Core Team. The conference Team focus on R Foundation conferences, liaising with organizers/program committee on policies and inclusion initiatives.

The useR! knowledge base project and the useR! working group are part of the task I have in this role.

Updates on RForwards activities on the R Journal:

Posted on:
January 1, 2021
1 minute read, 196 words
Community Español English
Community EDI
See Also:
Role of community manager in rOpensci community
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