Metadocencia. Nurturing educators in Spanish-speaking research communities

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in English Community Education RSE

May 17, 2022

Last Year Paola Corrales and Yanina Bellini Saibene members from the MetaDocencia community offered the workshop From Spreadsheet to R at the Research Software Camp: Beyond the Spreadsheet. Later today (17 May 2022, they’re teaching the same workshop but in Spanish (Desde las Hojas de Cálculo a R) at the Research Software Camp: Next Steps in Coding, for the benefit of Spanish-speaking research communities. In this blog post, they tell us more about MetaDocencia.

What is MetaDocencia?

MetaDocencia is an inclusive and collaborative community that improves education by empowering instructors from underserved countries. MetaDocencia nurtures a community of Spanish-speaking educators by teaching concrete, evidence-based, and student-centred educational methods. MetaDocencia focuses on teaching technical skills for open and reproducible computational science to Spanish-speaking researchers and instructors from Latin America and other geographies. Special attention is paid to the development of open, reusable, and accessible resources to foster effective reproducible research training practices.

In the last two years, we reached more than 2000+ teachers in 30 countries around the world.

What do we offer?

MetaDocencia has five workshops on how to teach technical skills essentials (online and in-person) and to use technical tools. All the workshops are free and all the material is shared with CC-BY or CC_BY-SA licensed so it can be reused. We also organize book clubs and work with other communities to deliver these workshops like the one we delivered for the Software Sustainability Institute’s Research Software Camp last year.

MetaDocencia believes in the need for culturally and geographically diverse communities of practice. The languages spoken in underserved regions and local challenges related to the implementation of new skills for Open Science need better representation in the global Open Science community. This is why we are also working on translating our material to Portuguese.

Metadocencia has renewed its presence in the Research Software Camp: Next Steps in Coding this year. Yanina Bellini Saibene and Paola Corrales will deliver the workshop “Desde las hojas de cálculo a R” aimed at Spanish-speaking research communities.

Stay tuned for MetaDocencia’s events in Spanish and the release of two new hands-on workshops to build Open Science capacity in 2022.

If you believe that you or your community would benefit from MetaDocencia’s work, please reach out to the MetaDocencia’s team, or join our Slack channel.

Cross post with Software Sustainability Institute

Posted on:
May 17, 2022
2 minute read, 386 words
English Community Education RSE
MetaDocencia Community Education RSE
See Also:
Proyecto 3 - Dos años de escribir, dar charlar y enseñar con la comunidad de rOpenSci Community
Project 3 - Two Years of Writing, Speaking, and Teaching with the rOpenSci Community
Using GitHub to plan community calls for rOpenSci