Managing an Open Source Project. A Checklist of Issues to Consider

By [Yanina Bellini Saibene] in Community 100DaysToOffload Open Source Software

September 18, 2024

This resource was first developed by attendees at the July 29, 2024 Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative community call for the Essential Open Source Software program.

This resource is intended to be a conversation-starter for open source software project leaders, their collaborators, staff, and community. We know that some of these items are substantial, resource-heavy requests for an open science community and we don’t intend that this is a comprehensive list of topics, nor a limiting one.

The check list include this topics:

  • Fundraising
    • Organizational Structure
    • Bylaws, Legal, and Tax Considerations
  • Developing and Maintaining the Project
    • Managing Contribution
    • Planning for the future of your project
  • Marketing the Project
    • Communications plan
    • Documentation
    • Marketing
  • Managing the Project at Scale
    • Community Roles
    • Scoping
    • Governance
    • Community Health
    • Individual Growth

The full list with resources can be access on the checklist webpage.

Posted on:
September 18, 2024
1 minute read, 134 words
Community 100DaysToOffload Open Source Software
Community 100DaysToOffload Open Source Software
See Also:
Proyecto 3 - Dos años de escribir, dar charlar y enseñar con la comunidad de rOpenSci Community
Project 3 - Two Years of Writing, Speaking, and Teaching with the rOpenSci Community
Using GitHub to plan community calls for rOpenSci