Aprendiendo learnr (learning learnr)

Tutoriales interactivos con R

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in Community Education Español R

July 2, 2019


Figure of three women learning and teaching with a large interactive tutorial in the background

This project was born in 2019 when I started using the {learnr} package, from the R programming language, to generate interactive tutorials based on rmarkdown documents.

This website has resources in Spanish about {learnr} that I generate periodically with the idea of sharing my learnings, my successes, my mistakes, my own tutorials and materials that I consider interesting for those who also develop this type of teaching resources.

Interactive tutorials are very useful for remote, in-person, synchronous or asynchronous classes and as help to an R package.

The web was the extra material for my regular talk [On programming, teaching, and building interactive tutorials with learnr]( https://resources.rstudio.com/resources/rstudioglobal-2021/on-programming-teaching-and-building- interactive-tutorials-with-learnr /) at RStudio::global 2021, an international conference about R organize by the company RStudio.


Figura de tres mujeres aprendiendo y enseñando con un gran tutorial interactivo de fondo

Este proyecto nace en el 2019 cuando empecé a utilizar el paquete {learnr}, del lenguaje de programación R, para generar tutoriales interactivos basados en documentos rmarkdown.

Este sitio web tiene recursos en español sobre {learnr} que genero periódicamente con la idea de compartir mis aprendizajes, mis aciertos, mis errores mis propios tutorales y materiales que considero interesante para quienes también desarrollan este tipo de material.

Los tutoriales interactivos son muy útiles para clases remotas, sincrónicas o asincrónicas y como ayuda de un paquete de R.

La web fue el material extra de mi charla regular On programming, teaching, and building interactive tutorials with learnr en la RStudio::global 2021, una conferencia internacional sobre R llevada adelante por la empresa RStudio.

Posted on:
July 2, 2019
2 minute read, 243 words
Community Education Español R
Community Education MetaDocencia R packages
See Also:
GitHub Stars 2025 Award
Role of community manager in rOpensci community