
I am always happy to talk. This is a list of my talks, interviews, and webinars (with resources when available).

Written by Yanina Bellini Saibene


R-Ladies. Building, Growing, and Sustaining a Community

On October 7 I participated in a panel called “R-Ladies: Building, Growing, and Sustaining a Community “ at the Women in Statistics and Data Science conference. I shared the live panel with Shel Kariuki, Mouna Belaid, Athanasia Mowinckel y Katherine Simeon. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel led and moderate the panel. I present Conferences, regional development and the R-Ladies way

Aplicaciones agropecuarias de la Ciencia de datos

Esta charla la he dado en diversos ámbitos y con diferente nivel de detalle. El objetivo es introducir conceptos relacionados con la ciencia de datos y compartir aplicaciones con ejemplos concretos en el desarrollo de soluciones para el sector agropecuario.

September 29, 2021

12:00 AM

Segundas Jornadas Regionales de Cienca de Datos / Online (Argentina)

By Yanina Bellini Saibene in Talk R Español Community

slides video

Missing narratives in discussions around diversity and inclusion in research software engineering

I participated in a the panel about Missing narratives in discussions around diversity and inclusion in research software engineering at the SeptembRSE conference, on Research Software Engineering. I was nominated for the panel through an open form and it was a very pleasant surprise to receive the invitation.