Day 12. Distilling how to use Participatory Live Coding in-person and online - Tip 5
By Yanina Bellini Saibene in Education Community 100DaysToOffload 30Ship30
May 17, 2024

Foto de Nick Morrison en Unsplash
When you teach with participatory live coding, it is essential that all learners can see the code and the output of the screen because they have to copy exactly what you have typed and see the result you got or what you are pointing to. So, today, we will look at how to
Tip #5: Use the screen(s) wisely
Useful for in-person or online classes
No one ever complained that the font size was too large. Increase the font size and maximize the windows so that people in the back of the room or with small screens can read. Ask before starting the lesson if they can read what is on the screen, especially your code and the results. With a large font, you may have less space and fewer columns and rows than you are used to, so you should test your examples to ensure your students will see the important part.
Dark mode or light mode. Use a black font on a lightly colored background rather than a light-colored font on a dark background. The light tone will glare less than pure white. You can use a contrast checker to be sure your color combination can be read.
Changing screens. Always warn your students when switching from one window to the other, for example, when you are using your terminal and then writing code on the code editor.
Teaching in person
Pay attention to the lighting in the room: it should not be completely dark and there should be no lights directly over or directly above the protective screen.
Arrange the classroom. Take a few minutes to allow your students to rearrange their tables so that they can see clearly. When the bottom of the projection screen is at the same height or below the heads of the learners, the people in the background cannot see what is happening on that section of the screen. You can raise the bottom of the window to compensate for this, which will result in less space.
Use all your screens. If you have access to a second projector and screen, use them. The extra space will allow you to display the code on one side and its output or behavior on the other. If the second screen requires a computer, ask a teaching assistant to control it rather than switching between the two keyboards.
Using two devices. Some people use a laptop connected to the projector that their students see and a tablet to see their own notes, and the notes students are taking in the class' shared doc.
Teaching On line
We have already mentioned that you need to show your students how to set up their screens so they can see you best. You must also set up your screen(s) to teach when using participatory live coding.
Using two devices. Two devices or screens are the best solution when teaching online: one for sharing with students and the other to check your notes, their videos, teaching notes, and the chat window. If you don’t have two screens, share with your students only the windows or panels you want them to see. The lesson notes can be printed on paper or in a non-shared window.
Focus on the windows you need to highlight. Expand the pane of the screen you need to display. For example, expand the script windows if you need to display code, or expand the console panel or output windows if you need to display a result.
Students can also share their screens. One of the advantages of online teaching is that when people encounter problems, they can share the screen and solve them by working together. If your students are comfortable, allow them to share their screens to solve problems with the whole class; this is an excellent learning experience. They can also share their screen to demonstrate something they have done.
We still have five more tips to learn!
See you in the next post with more tips on how to implement live participatory programming in your classes.
- Posted on:
- May 17, 2024
- Length:
- 4 minute read, 679 words
- Categories:
- Education Community 100DaysToOffload 30Ship30